We are tracking progress in two phases.
Phase 1
In this phase of the Weinberg Project our goal is to prepare Weinberg’s papers plus audio and video media for preservation storage prior to digitization. This means placing the papers in folders and boxes that are of archive quality and preparing a detailed inventory. We hired professional archivists for these tasks. Our collection includes 126 boxes of papers and 23 boxes of multimedia items. To date, we have completed all 126 boxes of papers and 10 boxes of multimedia.
Phase 1 progress as of February 18, 2021

Phase 2
This phase consists of two parts, digitization and database loading. We are tracking progress for each part of this phase by the count of boxes completed out of 126 boxes. As of April 18, 2022, 126 boxes are digitized and the data for 126 boxes are loaded to the database. Phase 2 is complete.
Phase 2 progress as of April18, 2022