Wish List
Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge is always seeking to upgrade our exhibits and classrooms and has created a list of specific items that are needed.
If you would like to donate any of these items, please contact Beth Shea at 482-1074, ext. 104.
Thank you for your support!
Museum needs:
For the Appalachian Heritage exhibit: 19″ TV LG-HD to replace one that isn’t working
For Imagination Station summer camps: a flat-screen television and a dvd/cd player
For the workroom: tools in good shape – sandpaper, nails, screws, drill bits, electric band saw, electric staple gun, reciprocating saw
For the toy and doll collection in the Dollhouse: He-man figures from the 90s
For the Manhattan Project-WWII exhibits (mainly 1942-1945): books; personal documents; work documents; photographs; telephone books (1943-1949); pamphlets; booklets; magazines; newspapers, especially local (Oak Ridge, Knoxville, etc.); telephones; adding machines; typewriters; vintage toys and dolls; and original Oak Ridge furniture
For the Kids Go Green! Environmental Center and Gardens: three 100-ft hoses; four new small wheel barrows; ten pairs of xx-small, x-small, and small garden gloves; twenty hula hoops; twenty jump ropes; a plumber for three days, with materials included